Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Making shapes on tired legs

My 60 minute 'jog' this morning felt much more like a slog. I had too much on as it looked cold when I set out, the sun soon rose and soon I was sweating. Making circles and a spiral kept my mind off the need to keep going. This is the most daily mileage that I have done in many years, but it always allows me to meditate, my mind turned off from the day to day trivia. So concentrating on the lines I am making helps me to keep going. There is an art to allowing your body to go through tough challenges and every long distance athlete knows this. Tricks, counting to a 100, changing your stride pattern, thinking about lovely places, concentrating on the person in front of you, all these things help.
I've been thinking about connection with the ground and I have worn my inov8 cross country shoes over the commons these last couple of days. They feel like almost barefoot running, but have some grip. This allows a natural stride and keeps any tendency to heel strike down.
My route this morning looks a little like a comic goofey type character, maybe I should develop him?

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